Fundada en 2000 Central de servicios para profesionales de la salud Sabado, 01 de Marzo de 2025

Bath, sink and shower tray repair, restoration and resurfacing

Publicado 28/02/2025 en el Tablón de Anuncios de Murcia

250 €

Bath, sink and shower tray repair, restoration and resurfacing
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We recoat your bath, sink or shower tray with a tough new coating that lasts 10 years!! Say goodbye to stains, rust, holes, cracks and say hello to your brand new bath, sink or shower tray within 5 hours. No mess whatsoever. El MÉDICO DEL BAÑO YOU CANNOT GET CLEAN IN A DIRTY STAINED BATH, RESURFACE NOW AND GET A NEW BATH, SINK OR SHOWER TRAY WITHIN 5 HOURS RESURFACE NOW FROM €250€ Does your bath, sink or shower tray look dirty all the time no matter how much you try to clean it? Is it chipped, rusty or rough? THEN YOU NEED US!! Replacing is very costly usually involving re-tiling and paying a plumber on top of the cost of the bath to install it, however having them resurfaced is thousands of pounds cheaper and you still have a brand new bathroom suite. We can resurface plastic/acrylic, pressed steel and cast. No need for any plumbing or re-tiling and only takes a couple of hours to complete. WE CAN SAVE YOUR BATH, NO MATTER WHAT THE CONDITION, PUT US TO THE TEST. See pictures below for examples of our work spanning 20 years. All work comes with a 2 year guarantee. Contact u https://www.elmédicodelbañ

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