Fundada en 2000 Central de servicios para profesionales de la salud Miercoles, 12 de Marzo de 2025

Ofertas de empleo de English en Barcelona


English native spekaer babysitter

Our family is looking for an English native speaker babysitter who can take care of our 2 boys, one who is 10 months old and the other who is 3 years old. We would like the babysitter to start in June for 1-2 days per week, and then from September for 5 days per week around 2-3 hours per day, which includes pick-ups from daycare. Feel free to contact me to make an appointment for an introductory meeting: ihernandoherraez at g m a i l . C o m Location Barcelona (Sant Antoni) english oferta de empleo english native spekaer babysitter

Salario A convenir

Ofertas de empleo Canguros en Barcelona


Au pairs with English or German

Oferta de trabajo: We are looking for Au pairs with English. Families offer room, full board plus weekly salary. Weekends free! english oferta de empleo au pairs with english or german

350 €

Salario: 350€

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